Stannis finds himself twice losing troops he hoped would be loyal; the first instance is when he makes his original play to be King, and the Tyrell's throw their support behind Renly instead. The second time is when his army begins to falter on the Battle of Blackwater, as men threw down their arms to save their own lives rather than fight for the man they should have regarded as the True King.
It's no coincidence, Stannis does little to encourage love from his troops, and does little to inspire them as to why they should fight for him. We must all show to other people warmth and affection, if we are to rally the support of our employees, colleagues and connections, or people will have no qualms about laying down their sword.
You have to ask the question as to what reasons you are providing to your staff to work hard for you, are you inspiring them to innovate and are you giving them the platform that they wish to develop there career. If you are not, then like Stannis, you may find those whose you wished were loyal, are now looking elsewhere.
Thanks for reading my Lessons from Game of Thrones, I hope you've enjoyed the series. I’m Thomas Szczepanski, Master Accountant.
Keep your eyes peeled for an upcoming talk in Wakefield: ‘Growing Strong - how Game of Thrones can transform your business thinking’